Kommen wir zu Joystickakrobatik aus deutschen Landen: Das Ballerspielchen Warp ist zwar eher zum Vergessen, und auch Leavin' Teramis bietet nur durchschnittliche Action-Kost, aber die beiden anderen Spiele aus Thalions "früher Periode" können sich auch heute noch sehen lassen. The Seven Gates of Jambala ist ein putziges Plattformgame, und das Karatespiel Chambers of Shaolin zählt sogar zum Besten, was man auf diesem Sektor finden kann - seinerzeit wurde der digitale Kampfsport auch mit einem Joker-Hit gekürt! Die Sammlung ist schon etwas länger erhältlich und verspricht solides Mittelmaß für vernünftige 74,- DM.

(Amiga Joker April 1991 (mm/od))
Ein Dankeschön für den Scan des Artikels geht an Jan.

Anlässlich des einjährigen Firmenjubiläums veröffentlicht Thalion eine Compilation mit dem Kampfsportspektakel Chambers of Shaolin, den beiden Ballerspielen Warp und Leavin' Teramis sowie dem Jump & Run-Game Seven Gates of Jambala. Als Bonus-Bonbon liegt der Verpackung ein schwarzes T-Shirt bei!


Thalion - The First Year (£19.99)

Great games have appeared from Thalion of late - their latest, Echanted Lands, earned a coveted FORMAT Gold. This four game compilation offers the chance to test out their earlier stuff.

Chambers of Shaolin is a slick Kung Fu game. You are an apprentice at the local Shaolin temple and must complete six tests, from dodging fireballs to balancing on moving poles, before you can start fighting. Then you can enter the combat screens. Graphically and aurally, Chambers of Shaolin is great. What's more, it isn't let down on gameplay. This one's a real tester.

In Warp you whizz your craft around a tiny screen, shooting the aliens and their emplacements. A very average shoot-'em-up that looks extremely dated.

Leavin' Teramis is very reminiscent of Paradroid. You must fight your way to the other end of the spaceship Teramis before it blows up. It might not look very original, but it plays well, offers plenty of levels and is above par graphically.

In The Seven Gates of Jambala, the fore-runner of Enchanted Lands, you control a wizard who has to excavate his way through a fantasy land of lizards and dragons. The control method is a bit tough and the screen area is quite small, but The Seven Gates of Jambala's a lot of fun and certainly looks original. Except for Warp, these are good games and the pack is good value.

ST Format

Thalion's share

The German codemeisters at Thalion are celebrating their successful first year and the beginning of a new one with a compilation containing four of their best titles.

Imaginatively called Thalion: First Year it features the beat 'em up Chambers of Shaolin, the jump 'n' run japes of Seven Gates Of Jambala and the shoot 'em ups Warp and Leavin' Teramis. The compilation is released in January on the Amiga and Atari ST for £24.99 - and that includes a free T-Shirt.

Three original titles to appear from Thalion in January include two new jump 'n' run romps, namely Enchanted Land and A Prehistoric Tale, and an air traffic control simulation called Tower FRA. All releases will be priced at £24.99 on Amiga and Atari ST.

Role playing fanatics will welcome the news that Dragonflight II is currently in development. The sequel to the popular arcade adventure boasts more of the same, only bigger and better. Dragonflight II will be winging its way onto the Amiga and Atari ST during the first quarter of 1991, at a price yet to be announced.

Last but not least, June or July should see the appearance of Thalion's first sports simulation, an as yet untitled tennis game for which the company is hoping to acquire a character licence.

The One

Thalion Compilation

This mega compilation includes four full-length games plus a designer T-shirt!

Chambers of Shaolin, Warp, Leavin' Teramis and The Seven Gates of Jambala represent Thalion's first year of blockbusting releases. This amazing package has something for everyone from martial arts to humour and from fun to suspense. You will be swept along in the adventurous journey which will keep you amused for hours.

Amiga Computing


  Auszug aus dem Werbetext auf der Rückseite der Box:
"[...] Die Spiele des Jahres 1 der Thalion wurden von den wohl erfolgversprechendsten und talentiertesten Programmierern der deutschen Szene erstellt. Und das sieht man an den originellen Konzepten, den unglaublichen Programmiertechniken, den atemberaubenden Grafiken und den Sound-Eskapaden Jochen Hippels. Alles das macht diese Kompilation zu einem Muss der Spielesammler. Lassen Sie sich entführen auf eine abenteuerliche Reise und spielen Sie die Spiele des ersten Jahres der Thalion. Eine Erfahrung, die keiner verpassen sollte. Das erste Jahr hat sogar uns Spaß gemacht."
"[...] The games offered here were programmed by some of the most talented young coders of a new generation, and it shows. Original concepts, awesome programming techniques, breathtaking graphics and stunning music are but a few of the many ingredients that make these games some of the most grabworthy around. Let yourself be swept along in this adventurous journey. Play the games that formed Thalion's first batch - an experience not to be missed. Thalion. Mostly, we even amaze ourselves."