Air (Sea) Rescue
[...] Meanwhile Oberst Bopf is using what spare time he has left to whittle away at another simulation program. This time it's a civilian helicopter game with a rescue scenario that has you racing to serious accident spots on highways and in the mountains, searching for the injured and rushing them to hospital. Carmincke is clearly impressed: "One of its advantages is that we can use exactly the same landscapes as in Airbus, though obviously the game area will have to be smaller and there'll have to be more detail." Expect to feast your eyes on that early next year. The One (June 1991)
[...] As for the rest of Thalion's releases, things aren't so concrete. Air Rescue, the helicopter arcade game based around the No Second Prize game engine, is "happening", as is Airbus 2 and Night Approaches. The One, issue 63 (January 1994)
[...] Although Thalion no longer have an inhouse programming team, they will still be releasing third party developed software, such as A320 Night Approaches, Ambermoon and Air Sea Rescue. [...] CU Amiga Magazine, issue 48
[...] Thalion ne distribuera donc plus que des programmes créés en externe. La société annonce ainsi A320 Night Approaches, le très attendu Ambermoon et Air Sea Rescue pour Amiga ainsi que No Second Prize et Lionheart pour la CD32. (Amiga Dream, No 5 - Mars 1994)
Fire Team Alpha
The older members of our readership may remember that, what seems like 15 or so years ago, we reviewed Thalion's excellent Amberstar follow-up, Ambermoon, fully expecting, as indeed were Thalion, that the game would be released the following month. Well it wasn't, but it is still on the way, as indeed is another game - provisionally entitled Fire Team Alpha - using the same impressive engine. Played from the familiar 3D perspective, Fire Team Alpha puts you in control of a crack four men team of do-gooders as they embark upon various dangerous missions. Apparently you will be able to control each man separately or the team as a whole, and Thalion are adamant that their game will take you beyond the usual dungeony confinements and into the open air. We're promised it'll be quick, and it's likely to be out soon after Ambermoon. Which is set for release "soon". Hmmm... Amiga Action, issue 68 (March 1995)
Thalion, Produzent von Hits wie Amberstar und Ambermoon, haben Fire Team Alpha angekündigt. Die Darstellung wird den v.g. Rollenspielen ähneln. Die Aufgabe der Abenteurer ist, Gutes zu tun. Gesteuert werden können sowohl einzelne Charaktere als auch die gesamte Gruppe. Anstelle in Höhlen und Tunneln wird an der frischen Luft gespielt, was für ein Rollenspiel eher unüblich ist. Freie Übersetzung einer polnischen News (Zeitschrift unbekannt)
Nach Amberstar und Ambermoon kündigt Thalion ein anderes Spiel im Rollenspiel-Genre an. Sein Arbeitstitel, der sich mit der Zeit noch ändern kann, lautet Fire Team Alpha. Interessanterweise wird eine Vielzahl der Missionen nicht in Verliesen, sondern an der frischen Luft spielen. Erscheinen soll es in Kürze. Freie Übersetzung einer polnischen News (Zeitschrift unbekannt)
Ambermoon CD32
Da die Programmierer aus Gütersloh zu Blue Byte abgewandert sind, werden die CD-Konvertierungen von No Second Prize, Lionheart und Ambermoon nun in England erstellt, weshalb noch mit Wartezeiten zu rechnen ist. Amiga Joker (Mai 1994)
[...] Thalion are also developing new products specifically to take advantage of the CD32's features. Tony King explains: "Thalion are pleased to be a part of the CD32 experience with our new product Ambermoon CD32." [...] And Thalion are converting Ambermoon for a November release. Says Tony King of Thalion: "We will be taking advantage of the AGA chip set in the CD32 machine - maybe not fully, but we'll give it a damn good go." Amiga Format, issue 50 (September 1993)
The moon's coming out
When Commodore launched CD32, nearly 20 months
ago, one of its keenest supporters was Thalion. The
company talked loudly and excitedly about Ambermoon
and how this most important game was going to do big
things on the Amiga CD format. Since then, though,
nothing. Although Ambermoon is complete and has
been released in continental Europe, Thalion has been
reluctant to release the game here. Now, finally, the
game is ready to ship in the UK. The One
Lionheart CD32
German-based software company Thalion have a long tradition of bringing quality games to the Amiga and they will be continuing that excellent reputation with the release of Lionheart on CD. Recently released to good reviews the game stars a man-beast in his adventures across a multi-scrolling platform world. One of the brilliant innovations with this title was the way that Lionheart could interact with the backdrops. He could actually climb trees and swing from ropes in a way that hadn't really been fully explored before. With the addition of 256 colours and CD sound this game is sure to be one of the stars of the new machine. CU Amiga Magazine, issue 42 (August 1993)
[...] Thalion's Tony King, meanwhile, said his company have scrapped plans to support the console, although the rights to Lionheart have been passed to another software house. Amiga Computing, issue 68 (December 1993)
No, that's not a typing error - the CD32 version of Lionheart is to be released by Team 17, not Thalion. A killer on floppy, the CD version of the game that out-Turricans Turrican looks set to wow the world! The platform beat-em-up is hardly the most original of genres - indeed, it's even older than the Amiga. However, Lionheart's intelligently though-out levels, exciting hack-em-up action and awe-inspiring graphics earned it a rave in issue five. The CD32 version should prove even better - with Team 17's track record, who could doubt their ability to pull it off? Fans of the gamestyle should look out for this one - short of a disaster it should be phenomenal! Amiga Force, Christmas 1993
Wings of Death Remix
Okay, so I know that Thalion's Wings of Death has already been released. However, if you missed the game the first time you now have the chance to get your hands on the remix. Complete with free T-shirt, the game includes new sound effects and the like. Get your copy of the Wings of Death remix for £19.99. If you can't see the game at your local stockist then write to Active Sales. Games-X, issue 7, 1991